The first DiSTARS communication event in Austria was organized by the Austrian Space Forum
(OEWF). The aim of this activity was to kick off the project’s implementation activities. This event engaged people from the educational communities of Austria that were invited to participate and join the project’s community (O4). Thus, the teacher training event for DiSTARS took place in Salzburg, 5020 on 03.03.2022 at VEGA-Sternwartehaus / Haus der Natur / Hochberg 3, 5162 Oberturm am See. The event was attended by 23 participants.

OeWF aims to stay in touch with those schools willing to become pilots of DiSTARS to facilitate the integration of the project in their classrooms, to monitor their progress, record the
degree to which they have implemented changes in their classroom.
Three days before the professional development event for teachers, a survey was sent to them to get their opinion on the use of technology in their classroom. After the event, we conducted an evaluation of the workshop. The responses the questionnaire distributed online (after the event) to all registered participants can be found here.