Due to Covid-19 related restrictions the DiSTARS 2021 Summer School will be held online. The course’s main objectives are to introduce teachers to the concept of (digital) storytelling, that enjoys a very long tradition in human history, as a catalyst for the effective interaction between Arts and STEM disciplines which share similar values, similar themes and similar characteristics towards promoting students’ Deeper Learning.
Furthermore, a new vision for teaching outlining strategies for how teachers’ roles and conditions can support and enable deeper learning for students will be presented.

Moreover, the course will support and facilitate the aforementioned approaches with meaningful digital technologies, presentation of remote scientific infrastructures, such as robotic telescopes,  visiting online virtual reality space exhibitions and participating in virtual visits to frontier space science laboratories.

Check out our program  and register to our summer school here: https://esia.ea.gr/online-distars-summer-school-2021/